The Creekers, CCCT’s seniors’ (55+) acting troupe, provides Westside seniors increased exposure to the many benefits of the performing arts. This one activity is an amazing, anti-aging venue for: social connection; physical/mental exercise; improving and/or learning new skills; teaching; inspiring one’s creativity; purposeful activity as well as giving back to the community. All are included on the top-ten list of “secrets to successful seniorhood!”

Creekers--new to live theatre--can explore its many aspects (on, in-front-of or behind the stage). It provides a broad range of areas to suit almost everyone. Creekers with theatre experience, can refresh skills as well as explore new theatrical interests. All this at a slower pace without the stressors that go with main-stream productions.

Meetings and rehearsals are held regularly and offer skill-building sessions as well as the opportunity toß create/develop, produce, promote, write, share and laugh! Outreach performances and workshops are held twice a year.  

Join us to experience all, or part of the action.

Email us for more information!

May 2024  NEWS

Creekers have been rehearsing our comedic, revue-type, outreach show regularly since February. We are now excitedly looking forward to three outreach performances at local seniors' residences during the first week in May. Above is a sing-a-long rehearsal photo.

Ukelele lessons have now ended.  Practices will continue to help us reach our goal of performance-level skills. Hopefully we will be ready for the December's show. It's been fun!

We will take a break over the summer months. Watch for an information re a "come-and- get-to-know-us" meet up in late August, early September.  For more information, just email and we will be in touch.

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